There are people whose stories resound with passion, tenacity, and steadfast determination in the busy fabric of life. One such individual is myself, whose life’s journey has been characterized by singular encounters and a dedication to changing the world.
My name is Stephanie Asamonye. I was born and raised in Rivers State, Nigeria. My early years were shaped by my family, which was very loving, accommodating, and most especially nonjudgmental. Despite struggles with anxiety, I developed a keen interest in reading newspapers and watching documentaries on violence from a young age. I was unable to escape the harsh realities of gender inequality and the widespread abuse of women that was prevalent in our society while I was growing up in Nigeria. like not letting a pre-school girl contest for class leader because a boy had to be the leader and a girl his assistant. The differences were obvious and ingrained in the very fabric of daily existence. Seeing such injustice left a lasting impression on my conscience and gave me a strong desire to be a change-maker.
The plight of women in my nation, who are constrained by institutionalized discrimination and cultural norms, ignited my enthusiasm for social justice and human rights. It was a genuine desire to solve the systematic injustices I had witnessed, not merely an academic endeavor. This realization was the catalyst for my decision to devote all of my time to the study of human rights. I tried to equip myself in the sacred halls of academia with the information and resources I would need to question the status quo. Education evolved from being a means to an end to a potent tool for breaking down barriers and promoting women’s rights and dignity.
Studying human rights and social justice is a serious commitment to help create a more just Nigeria, not merely a career decision.
My goal is to challenge discrimination, give voice to the voiceless, and work tirelessly toward the day when all women are treated equally and with the respect that they so greatly deserve. My academic journey is inextricably linked to the pursuit of justice, driven by the belief that change is both essential and achievable.